造成防水工程渗漏的原因就这些! |
添加时间:2017/11/27 15:22:33 浏览次数: |
目前国内的防水材料的品种、规格较多,产品质量各异,而目前国内的防水材料市场又比较混乱,不少劣质防水材料充斥市场。建筑防水工程质量低劣,是造成防水工程渗漏的直接原因,据有关防水机构调查,全国每年有2、4亿㎡的油毡和27万吨沥青用于修补屋面防水层,下面来听听业内人士如何解析影响防水工程质量的因素: At present, the domestic waterproof material varieties, specifications, product quality varies, and the current domestic waterproof materials market is chaotic, many poor waterproof materials flooded the market. The waterproof construction projects of poor quality, is directly caused by the leakage of waterproof engineering, according to the survey on the waterproof mechanism of 2, every year, 400 million square meters and 270 thousand tons of asphalt felt roofing waterproof layer for repair, how to listen to the industry factors analysis of the influence of waterproof engineering quality below: 01 01 防水设计质量方面 Quality of waterproof design 建筑防水工程的防水设计至关重要,是能否确保工程质量的前提。但是我国目前正在防水工程设计方面存在以下问题: The waterproof design of building waterproof engineering is very important, and it is the premise of ensuring the quality of the project. However, there are the following problems in the design of waterproof engineering in china: 1、屋面节点构造大多内容陈旧,仍沿用五六十年代的做法。如油毡收头处理沿用下木砖、钉木条的做法,常因风吹、日晒、雨淋,出现翘曲、变形、腐烂,造成冷水节点破坏,导致屋面渗漏。 1, most of the roof node structure is obsolete, still using the 50s and 60s practice. Such as linoleum head brick, wood processing use nail practices, often because of the wind, sun and rain, warping, appearance and decay, caused by cold node damage, cause of roof leakage. 2、我国长期以来没有制定防水工程的设计规范,设计人员无规范可遵循,各种不同类型、不同使用功能的建筑应如何进行防水设计,采用何种防水材料,有哪些具体的技术要求,均没有明确的规定。 2, our country has not established design specification for waterproof engineering design personnel, no standard to follow, a variety of different types, different use function of the building to the waterproof design, the waterproof material, there are specific requirements, are not clearly defined. 3、有的建筑物设计施工时屋面整体刚度不够,因变形较大时而产生裂缝;有的屋面坡度过小、排水管数量不足或口径过小、排水路线过长,使屋面积水而造成渗漏。 3, some buildings design and construction of the overall stiffness of the roof is not enough, sometimes due to large deformation cracks; some roofing slope is too small, inadequate drainage pipe diameter or too small, drainage route is too long, so that the area of water caused by leakage. 4、设计人员对现代防水知识淡薄,对新型建筑防水材料的性能、适用范围、使用条件等不甚了解,不能根据建筑物的具体情况,正确选用防水材料,不是因循守旧,就是因选材不当而造成渗漏或浪费。 4, the designers of modern knowledge on performance, waterproof, new building waterproof materials, applicable scope, conditions of use are not well understood, not according to the actual situation in the building, the correct selection of waterproof material, not conservative, is due to improper material caused by leakage or waste. 02 02 防水材料质量方面 Quality of waterproof material 防水材料的质量好坏,是能否搞好防水工程的基础。而目前国内的防水材料的品种、规格较多,产品质量各异,而目前国内的防水材料市场又比较混乱,不少劣质防水材料充斥市场,如将不合格的防水材料使用到防水工程上,必将严重降低防水工程质量。 The quality of waterproof material is the foundation of waterproof engineering. At present, the domestic waterproof material varieties, specifications more, product quality varies, and the current domestic market and the waterproof material is chaotic, many poor waterproof materials such as waterproof material will flood the market, the use of unqualified waterproof engineering, will seriously reduce the waterproof engineering quality. 以纸胎油毡和防水涂料质量情况来分析,可以看出: It can be seen that the quality of the paper tire felt and waterproof coating is analyzed: 1、石油沥青质量不好。60年代以后,使用了含蜡量、含硫量较多的国产石油沥青生产油毡,导致油毡老化性能差,易流淌和脆裂,且沥青中的石蜡具有迁移性,易使油毡防水层逐渐失去粘结力,造成防水层翘边、脱落。 1, the quality of petroleum asphalt is not good. After 60s, the use of domestic petroleum asphalt production oil wax content, sulfur content more, resulting in poor performance of aging asphalt, easy flowing and brittle fracture, and the asphalt paraffin with mobility, easy to make the linoleum waterproof layer gradually lose the cohesive force, causing the waterproof layer to Alice, fall off. 2、石油沥青纸胎油毡中的原纸质量下降。50年代的原纸中废旧布浆含量较多,并含有一定数量的粗毛,而现在多用废纸和草浆,使油毡的拉伸强度降低,延伸率减小,含水率增加,质量下降。 2. The quality of base paper in petroleum asphalt felt. In 50s, base paper contains more waste cloth and contains a certain amount of coarse wool, but now more waste paper and straw pulp are used to reduce the tensile strength, elongation, moisture content and quality of the felt. 3、原纸密实度增加,吸油率降低。浸油率由140%~160%下降到115%以上,由于沥青浸不透原纸,易造成油毡脱层、腐烂。 3, the base paper density increases, oil absorption rate decreases. The immersion rate from 140% to 160% down to more than 115%, due to leaching of impervious asphalt base paper, easy to cause delamination, rotten linoleum. 4、防水涂料质量低。尤其是一些生产防水涂料的乡镇企业技术力量薄弱,生产设备落后,操作工艺原始,使用的原材料杂乱无控,多数产品质量低劣。 4, waterproof coating quality is low. In particular, some of the township enterprises producing waterproof coating are weak in technology, backward in production equipment, primitive in operation technology, disorderly in use of raw materials, and poor in quality of most products. ▼广告:中意铁科、滴水不漏 Print advertising: Italy -, leak 03 03 防水施工质量方面 Waterproof construction quality 通过对房屋渗漏事故的调查分析表明:施工方面的因素是造成房屋渗漏的主要原因。如果有合格的防水材料,优秀的房屋防水设计,但施工不认真,施工质量低劣,仍然会使房屋发生渗漏。因此,确保施工质量,是提高房屋防水质量的关键。造成施工质量低劣的因素主要有: Through the investigation and analysis of the house leakage accident, it is indicated that the construction factors are the main cause of the house leakage. If there are qualified waterproof materials, excellent housing waterproof design, but the construction is not serious, the construction quality is poor, still will make housing leakage. Therefore, to ensure the quality of construction, is the key to improve the quality of housing waterproof. The main factors causing poor construction quality are: 1、缺乏防水专业施工队伍,甚至使用丝毫不懂防水技术的工人去进行房屋防水施工操作,其后果必然导致防水工程的失败。 1, the lack of waterproof professional construction team, and even use the slightest do not understand the waterproof technology workers to carry out housing waterproof construction operation, the consequences will inevitably lead to the failure of waterproof engineering. 2、对防水施工工序的质量控制及管理不重视,找平层和防水层操作马虎,未按设计图纸和施工技术规范进行施工和分工序、分层次进行验收,尤其是对节点部位处理不认真,留下了渗漏的隐患。 2, the waterproof construction process quality control and management attention, leveling layer and waterproof layer construction and operation are not sloppy, sub processes, hierarchical acceptance according to design drawings and construction technical specification, especially for joint treatment is not serious, leaving the hidden trouble of leakage. 3、涂膜防水施工时,则往往因涂膜厚度不均匀或涂膜过薄而导致防水失败。又如有些施工单位为了拿到工程,尽量压低造价,而使用一些固含量偏低的防水涂料。 3, coating waterproof construction, often due to uneven coating thickness or coating is too thin and lead to waterproof failure. If some construction units in order to get the project, as far as possible to reduce the cost, and the use of some solid content of low waterproof coating. 4、刚性屋面振捣不密实、养护不好、厚度不足,混凝土中各种砂石料比例处理不当;防水层下的隔离层未做好,不起隔离作用;分格缝设置位置欠妥,密封材料嵌填认真、不严密等,均会造成刚性防水层的渗漏。 4, rigid roof vibration is not dense, maintenance is not good, insufficient thickness of concrete, various aggregate proportion treatment improper; isolation layer of waterproof layer under the not well, not isolation effect; joint position defect lattice, the sealing material filling seriously, not tight, will cause leakage of rigid waterproof layer. 5、对于石油沥青油毡屋面使用现场熬制的玛蹄脂质量不合格;事先未做配合比试验或未按配合比准确计量;熬制温度过度,油份挥发过多,沥青容易老化;使用了高蜡沥青,而又未进行脱蜡处理等。 5, for the oil field for asphalt felt roof mastic unqualified quality system; prior do mix ratio test or not according to the accurate measurement of mix proportion; boiling temperature of volatile oil is excessive, excessive, easy to use asphalt aging; high wax asphalt, and dewaxing processing etc.. 6、由于抢工期、赶进度,找平层未干就急于铺设防水层,而又未采取排汽屋面等有效措施,致使防水层出现起鼓、脱层、腐烂和渗漏。 6, because the rush period, the schedule to dry on the leveling layer with a waterproof layer, and did not take effective measures such as exhaust roof, the waterproof layer appeared blistering, delamination, decay and leakage. 04 04 质量管理维护方面 Quality management and maintenance 工程竣工交付使用后,必须做好房屋工程的管理维护工作。如果管理维护不好,既便是材料、设计、施工都是优质的,还会因管理维护不善而造 After the completion of the project delivery, the housing project management and maintenance work must be done well. If maintenance is not good, even the material, design and construction are of good quality, but also because of poor maintenance and management |
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