防水施工的要求? |
添加时间:2019/8/29 11:47:23 浏览次数: |
主控项目 Main control project 1)涂料防水层所用材料及配合比必须符合设计要求。 1) The material and mix proportion used in the waterproof coating must meet the design requirements. 检验方法:检查出厂合格证、质量检验报告、计量措施和现场抽样试验报告。 Inspection methods: Inspection of factory certificates, quality inspection reports, measurement measures and on-site sampling test reports. 2)涂料防水层及其转角处、变形缝、穿墙管道等细部做法均须符合设计要求。 2) The details of waterproof coating and its corner, deformation joint, wall-piercing pipeline and so on must meet the design requirements. 检验方法:观察检查和检查隐蔽工程验收记录。 Inspection method: Observe and inspect the acceptance records of concealed projects. 一般项目 General items 1)涂料防水层的基层应牢固,基面应洁净、平整,不得有空鼓、松动、起砂和脱皮现象;基层阴阳角处应做成圆弧形。 1) The base of the coating waterproof layer should be firm, the base surface should be clean and flat, and there should be no empty drum, loosening, sand and peeling phenomenon; the base should be made into a circular arc at the Yin and Yang corners. 检验方法:观察检查和检查隐蔽工程验收记录。 Inspection method: Observe and inspect the acceptance records of concealed projects. 2)涂料防水层应与基层粘结牢固,表面平整、涂刷均匀,不得有流淌、皱折、翘边、鼓泡、露胎体和翘边等缺陷。 2) The waterproofing layer of the coating should be firmly bonded with the base layer, with a flat surface and uniform brushing. No defects such as flow, wrinkle, warping, bubbling, exposed body and warping are allowed. 检验方法:观察检查 Inspection method: observation and examination |
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